Wednesday 6 March 2013

Secret Sanity tips of a Stay-at-home dad

Now I may be a stay-at-home dad, but it doesn't mean that that is my only job.

I also work at a job which I am fortunate enough to do while at home, and I am writing "comic books" to hopefully be published.  (see my other blog of writing stuff here:

So while it feels like at the end of the day that I give my daughter all 100% of me, the truth is I don't anymore.  She is older and individual play is a great thing for her, she is capable of getting her own toys out (and putting them away after), getting crafts and some snacks also.

So how am I able to juggle essentially two full time jobs PLUS be a full time everyday parent?

Here are some tips:


It's amazing how much free time for you (for cleaning, reading, chilling, working or just breathing) can be attained just by giving your toddler (2-5 year old) stickers and some pieces of paper or even an old toy destined for the trash.

TIP #1 Peel off the back part before you give your child the sheet of stickers so that they can easily take them off themselves.

TIP #2 Be prepared for a mess.  If you are going to give your child stickers and semi-supervision messes occur.

           Stickers with backing (BAD)                               Stickers without backing (GOOD!)


Cheap water color paints and non detailed large imaged coloring pictures are amazing for an hour or two of fun.

TIP #1 Get cheap ones at the loonie store. More expensive water color paints are NOT better they are the exact same thing.

TIP #2 See tip number two above.

3) 1 NEW TOY!!

One new toy makes ALL other toys instantly new.  It's amazing.

TIP #1 A lot of toys comes in packs of 3 or more toys, don't give all of them in the package to your child at once, spread them out over time.

TIP #2 It doesn't have to be expensive or even "new" it just something they haven't had before.


We discovered these amazing products a couple years ago, and they have been a staple in our daughters routine ever since. 

They are more expensive, but they are perfect for travelling, long road trips, airplane flights, hotel stays and getting that extra 30-40 minutes of sleeping done in the morning (our daughter has some in her room). They only make marks on the special paper. You don't have to worry about marker getting anywhere!!  

TIP #1 get child to pick 1 picture and rip out that page for them to color, that way they aren't taking any other "daddy (or mommy) needs you to be busy by yourself for 10 minutes" moments. When that page is all done get them to pick another and rip out.  

TIP #2 Cool part about the paper is that the whole picture gets colored because things "appear" all over the page. (get child to hold the picture to the light to see what things are hidden in the picture.


After my daughter learned her numbers. Thanks to preschool prep movie 'Meet the Numbers' ( I had an epiphany.  I told her what time she should get up and what time she should wake mommy and daddy up at. 

I took a digital clock and covered up the last two digits, so that only the first two digits showed.

I told my daughter that she can "get up" in the morning only after she sees a 7.  After she sees a 7 she can then get out of bed and play quietly in her room, after she sees an 8 she can then ask for her "movie" (old iPhone with educational shows on it) at which point I get up and go for my shower (or sleep a little longer). 

TIP #1 I just used a sticky note which I taped down. 

TIP #2 Change weekend times to 8 and 9 respectively. 

Enjoy these tips and if you have any of your own please let me know. I've got to write 2 more comic books!!

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